Quality Assurance
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Skills & Experience:
Experience:  3+ years' experience working in a food, drug, or cosmetic consumer products manufacturing environment is preferred.
Education:  Bachelor/University Degree or higher in a related engineering or science field. Chemical Engineering or Chemistry is preferred.

Skills & Abilities:
1.    Must possess strong technical skills. Experience with Good Manufacturing Practices and certification by ASQ as a CQE or CQT is preferred. A good understanding of audit protocol, statistics, inspection procedures, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma and FDA GMP regulations is necessary to make sound decisions based on available information.
2.    Must possess excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to facilitate communications between various groups to achieve quality objectives.
3.    Must be self-motivated, pro-active and results oriented.
4.    Must be diplomatic and able to work effectively with cross-functional work groups including suppliers, customers and peers, both verbally and in writing. Must be able to forge coalitions.
5.    Must have proven track record of driving continuous quality improvement in a manufacturing environment and have thirst for continuously seeking new knowledge and application opportunities.
6.    Must have excellent project management skills in order to perform and prioritize a wide variety of activities simultaneously.
7.    Travel may be required up to 10%.

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